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About me

My Story

I’m Jessica Vanderlaan, born and raised in Sussex, New Brunswick. I am a mom of two young boys with two very different pregnancy and birth experiences.


I am a certified Labour & Birth, Postpartum Doula and Childbirth Educator. I also am a Babywearing Educator and oversee the New Brunswick Babywearing Community. As well as offer fertility support and infant and pregnancy loss support.


I have been working with individuals and families going through pregnancy over the past nine years. I have a passion for pregnancy and bringing well rounded education to our community.


I work with teens facing an unplanned pregnancy, first-time parents, parents who want their next birth to be different from their last, or those just needing another cheerleader! I want every birthing person to have access to the awesome resources in this community


One of the reasons I am so passionate about being a doula is the opportunity to educate birthing people! We go through school and we are not informed of all the changes that happen to birth a baby, or even create a baby. There are many things we do not know and are afraid to ask about. That is why I became a doula!


I am also a doula to be that extra support you may need. To walk alongside you in this journey for the length of time you need me. Every single person is different and has different needs. Having an extra person there to support you in whatever way you need can create that inner peace you need to journey through your pregnancy.

My Philosophy

I believe that each family and individual is unique and that there is not a textbook or cookie cutter solution for each client I work with. We all come into this experience influenced by so many outside forces which makes us unique.


As your Doula I play a non-medical supportive role, and I believe that you should be able to trust me to have an unbiased view and to be that dependable and familiar person on this journey. I believe in evidence based education and empowering you in whatever way I can. 

My Certifications
Babywearing Educator

Doula Training Canada 2022

Perinatal Educator

Doula Training Canada 2021

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula® 

Stillbirthday 2021

Labor Doula & Postpartum Doula

Doula Training Canada 2020

BA Ministry: Christian Counselling

Kingswood University 2017

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